>8.30-10.30 › Amphi Malassis - D.1 Governance of producers organisations, horizontal coordination, social capital, etc. |
Covarrubia Patricia |
Geographical Indications and Collective Marks in South America: it's not all about the label. Cultural Factors and Social Network Theories |
Galeano Barrera Claudia Jazmin |
Protected designation of original and its contribution to territorial agro-industrial development: the case of “Bocadillo veleño” in Colombia |
Neves Calmon Siqueira Branco Nina Paloma |
Forces et faiblesses dans la gouvernance des Indications Géographiques (IG) à Bahia et des IG des Farines de Manioc du Brésil |
>8.30-10.30 > Salle Badiane - C.2 Nature of GIs: sui generis and other legal forms |
Gimeno Beviá Vicente |
La especialidad tradicional garantizada o la indicación geográfica protegida como esquemas de calidad para la tutela del jamón serrano |
Kirsten Johann |
Politics, regulations, contestation, and self interest in the struggle to register Karoo Lamb as a GI in South Africa |
Kompari Katarina |
GIs, Collective and Certification trade marks in EU - different regimes, choices and outcomes |
Moerland Anke |
Protecting GIs through EU collective marks |
Musiza Charlene |
An examination of the legal framework for origin-linked goods in Zimbabwe: Producer perspectives on legal protection for Chipinge coffee |
>08.30-10.30 › Salle Conseil - L. GIs: recognizing an IP right is not the end of the story |
Achour Ziane Mosbah |
Démarches pour l'indication géographique "Datte Deglet Nour de Tolga''- Algérie |
Mayr Alexandra |
Strengthening GI systems worldwide: EU funded projects implemented by EUIPO) |
Barbosa Patrícia |
From Região da Mantiqueira de Minas Gerais IP to Mantiqueira de Minas DO: a case study of a change in a type of Brazilian geographical indication |
Pedelahore Philippe |
Sélectionner les produits à enregistrer en Indication Géographique : démarches mobilisées et résultats obtenus pour quatre pays africains |
Takahashi Naoko |
The scope for developmental dynamism after Geographical Indicationspecification: The case of Japanese kaki The scope for developmental dynamism after Geographical Indicationspecification: The case of Japanese kaki |
Zappalaglio Andrea |
Silent GIs: What is at stake? |
>11.00-12.30 › Amphi Malassis - D.2 Governance of value chain: actors, linkages, vertical coordination |
Dokuzlu Sertac |
Challenges and Mediation of Collective Action in the Implementation of GIs: Turkish Experience |
Fournier Stéphane |
Novel conditions or just new paths for re-territorialization through Geographical Indication: Case study of "Yamanashi wine" GI in Japan |
Kanoute Pape Tahirou |
« Madd de Casamance », une IG pour répondre à de multiples enjeux de durabilité au Sénégal |
Muco Elda |
Le rôle du capital social dans la mise en œuvre des IG-s : application dans un territoire albanais |
Vagneron Isabelle |
Can a geographical indication help foster cooperation? Evidence from the Bolaven plateau (Lao PDR) |
Zivadinovic Tamara |
Governance GIs systems in Serbia and Montenegro, with specific overview of Arilje raspberry protection |
C.3 Nature of GIs: heterogeneity and protection |
Ayu Palar Miranda Risang |
A Model of Geographical Indication's Product Specification for ASEAN Member Countries |
Champredonde Marcelo |
Innovating the link to origin: is there a difference between PDOs and PGIs? |
Crupi Maurizio |
Variability in the conceptual bases of Geographical Indications products: causes, consequences, possible evolutions |
Nair Latha |
An unequal world for GIs in the Domain Name System |
Pick Barbara |
Empirical Investigation of Fraud and Unfair Competition Practices in France and Vietnam: Actors, Types and Drivers |
Svinartchuk Tatiana |
Appellations of origin and geographical indications in the wine sector: historical overview of the evolution of these two notions, the role of the OIV as an intergovernmental organisation of the vitivinicultural sector |
>14.00-16.00 › Amphi Louis Malassis - D.3 Governance of value chain: controls, evaluation and GI success factors |
Bacha Fadhila |
Etat des lieux et analyse des dispositifs de labellisation par les signes distinctifs liés à l’ origine (IG), dans les pays méditerranéens du Sud avec un focus sur la filière datte en Algérie |
Guerrieri Flavia |
The control plan of agricultural and non-agricultural GIs: the Cinderella of collective action? |
Jorjadze Mariam |
GI development experience in Georgia |
Kananian Mona |
Managing Two Iranian GIs: A Case Study of Using the Swiss Intellectual Property Institute (IPI)'s GI Impact Evaluation Guide in Iran |
Lemia Chekir Thabet |
La mise en œuvre sur le terrain d'une IG pour promouvoir le développement local : l'expérience tunisienne de la figue de Djebba |
Maccari Michele |
Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS): a tool to improve the effectiveness of Geographical Indications in short food supply chains; the case of Parma Bio-district |
>14.00-16.00 > Salle Badiane - E. Link to origin: environmental and climate change issues |
Bernard-Mongin C. |
Introduction |
Flutet Gilles |
La problématique des indications géographiques face au changement climatique en France |
Gabellini Sara |
GI Products Based on Agrobiodiversity Resources: Which Quality Signs? |
Haba Mory |
IGP, Biosphère et Collectivités Locales, Enjeux et perspectives pour un développement durable : cas du Café Ziama-Macenta |
Salpina Dana |
Climate change effects and the responses of the agri-food GI agents: Evidence from the Veneto Region (Italy) |
Touzard Jean-Marc |
Les indications géographiques face au changement climatique : No future ou new morning? Enseignements des recherches sur les vignobles français |
>16.30-18.00 > Salle Badiane - F. Link to origin: traditional know-how or innovation? |
Bel Nadège |
DOCaMEx : Capitaliser les Savoir-Faire |
Neves Calmon Siqueira Branco Nina Paloma |
Défis de la délimitation territoriale dans l'enregistrement de l'Indication Géographique : le cas de la farine de manioc Copioba |
Parayil Chitra |
Comparison between Geographical Indication red rice in India and Thailand: Regulations and practices |
Wiedersich Avena Astrid |
GIs as the engine of traditional communities' rights |
Zinsli Matthew |
The co-production of coffee terroir on the Galápagos Islands: Knowledge, power, and sustainability in a Latin American GI project |