Presentations > Tuesday 5 July

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Tuesday 5 July: Session A.1: Local Public Authorities and GIs - B. International Mechanism for GI protection - A.2 National Authorities & GIs - C.1 Nature of GIs: Key Concepts


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>14.00-16.00 › Amphi Louis Malassis A.1 Local Public Authorities & GIs
Feuer Hart  The economic blind spot of Geographical Indication in state-centered governance: Mikawa region agri-food products in Japan
Igoumenidou Vasiliki  Role of Region of Epirus at the certification of Kashkaval of Pindos as PGI
Lindermayer Hannah  Governance of GIs and the role of regional and local public actors: Bavaria
Montoro Celia  Plan Estratégico de la Alimentación de Cataluña 2021-2026: una nueva gobernanza para impulsar las IGP/DOP
Ginèbre Pierre Le développement des IG, une priorité stratégique pour la Région Occitanie Pyrénées Méditerranée


>14.00-16.00 > Salle Badiane - B. International Mechanism for GI protection
Blank Klaus EU accession to the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications
Fracarolli Guilherme EU-Mercosur Trade Agreement: Geographical Indication agri-food products on the table
Levy Alexandre Articulation et gradation des régimes de protection issus des accords bilatéraux UE/Pays Tiers et du droit international public : un défi pour la protection internationale des IG
Swart Marthane ‘Rooibos' / 'Red Bush': the first African GI included in the EU Register


>16.30-18.30 › Amphi Louis Malassis - A.2 National Authorities & GIs
Gonomy Michel  Les IG dans l'espace OAPI
Guerrero Paola  Promoción y protección de los productos de origen en países en desarrollo: el rol de estado
Ilhan Özden  Geographical Indications in Turkey - The Current Status and Future Outlook
Kalandadze Tengiz  The GI policy in Georgia
Liel Uziahu  Israeli geographical indications - Unrealized potential that can be realized?
Kouakou Philipps Kouakou  Les Indications Géographiques (IG) en Côte d'Ivoire : acquis et défis
Paola Pineda  Hacia una mejor coordinación eficiente y completa de las entidades delegadas de las DOP en Colombia


>16.30-18.30 > Salle Badiane - C.1 Nature of GIs: Key Concepts
Casabianca François; Marie-Vivien Delphine The limits of inclusion in Geographical Indications - Should we exclude any exclusion?
Degla Estève Pour une consécration de la notion de « produits igéables » en contexte africain : un moyen pour atteindre un but sans bruit
Hughes Justin Complexities in interesting New World producers in Old World GI customs
Marie-Vivien Delphine Geographical indications: protection of a name or a logo? A risky shift
Monterescu Daniel Border Wines: Terroir across Contested Territory in Central Europe and the Middle East
Villota Rafael Questioning the global diffusion of GI as a policy model: lessons from the implementation of Café de Galapagos GI (Ecuador)
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